EPIC #01
14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

EPIC #02
14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

more epics.
Sperma collections

Kalalas are embryos/eggs in Sanskrit.
卵 。生

Sperma collections

Sperma in juvenile (young) state.
孑 。孑

( video, 1920 x1080, 5 min)
Legends say Cintamani spheres are will fulfilling fabulous jewels that came from inside of brains of Makaras- amphibious sea monsters with animal heads and serpent bodies. Cintamanis manifest whatever the beholder wishes for according to one’s desire, may it be love, life, wealth, health, or good fortune. n Mahayana Buddhism two compassionate bodhisattvas were seen holding Cintamanis.
Yet with Cintamanis all mighty manifesting power, phenomenon realities are always as fragile as a soap bubble. To quote Diamond Sutra:
“All purposeful dharma, are like dream, illusion, bubbles, shadows, that can vanish like a drop of morning dew, a flash of a lightning bolt, one should always be mindful.

( video, 1920 x1080, 5 min)
Legends say Cintamani spheres are will fulfilling fabulous jewels that came from inside of brains of Makaras- amphibious sea monsters with animal heads and serpent bodies. Cintamanis manifest whatever the beholder wishes for according to one’s desire, may it be love, life, wealth, health, or good fortune. n Mahayana Buddhism two compassionate bodhisattvas were seen holding Cintamanis.
Yet with Cintamanis all mighty manifesting power, phenomenon realities are always as fragile as a soap bubble. To quote Diamond Sutra:
“All purposeful dharma, are like dream, illusion, bubbles, shadows, that can vanish like a drop of morning dew, a flash of a lightning bolt, one should always be mindful.