- Life From Deep Cosmic Primordial Soup -
“Panspermia” is an art project about cosmic life origin by Lulu Li. Using artificial intelligence/machine learning tools like StyleGan2, Lulu Li explores the possibilities of universal life origins narrative with unhinged imaginations of the alien / Xeno life forms that may exist in the deep cosmic primordial space. Using the artificial intelligence/machine learning tool - StyleGan2, Lulu Li explores the possibilities of universal life origins narrative with unhinged imaginations of the alien / Xeno life forms that may exist in the deep cosmic primordial soup.
Pan”: “all”, “Sperma”: “seed”. Panspermia is the theory that life exists throughout the universe. Either life particles and dust were carried by meteorites, comets, or our spaceships, the unstoppable force of life is always permeating into unthinkable places even the entirety of the universe.
Cosmic life origin is one of the hardest questions that demands persistent attention. Often when star gazing, one’s imagination zooms into the “future” while we look back into billions of years old light phenomena. Future-looking visions, fiction, fantasies, and even dreams are always based on contemplation, and reprocesses of the past, especially a metaphysical past. Mahayana Buddhism has illustrated a unique and broad view of life phenomenon as a whole and its working mechanism. The panspermia art project is fusing Buddhist metaphysical views and scientific hypothesis, creating a fantastical world of cosmic life forms, which also hint at some consensus between two seemingly vast different views.
These life forms are generated with self-trained machine learning models - StyleGAN2. by working with the machine’s “mind” - “the latent space” - a multi-dimensional mathematical space where semantic vectors of what’s “learned” are registered and stored. - for lack of a better metaphor, it’s like deep diving into the cosmos’ primordial soup, where the abundance of life forms are found with constant awe and wonder.

Collect a “seed of life”
& make kin with sentient life
#allsentientlifemattersMultiple Sperma collections spawn from the deep latent mind space of a human (her) + machine intelligence with joint effort, already populated across the blockchain. Come to take a deep dive into the universe’s primordial soup, you will be surprised how many alien-looking life forms - Spermas - you will find in the cosmos's consciousness.

Most importantly, they are all sentient like everyone of us. Please treat the Spermas - seed of life - with love and compassion like treating our own kin, let your imagination takes you to the far end of possibilities what & how life can be manifested. By doing so, this unique personalized connection which will be recorded in our collective consciousness that stamp on the blockchian of all blockchains - the “Akashic records” - a database of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all sentient beings.
All life formations take a very long time to develope, Each Sperma new sparwn is taken a lot of patience and time to breed.


EPIC #01
14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

EPIC #02
14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

14000 x 8000 pixel
printable size: 118mm x 67mm

more epics.
Sperma collections

Kalalas are embryos/eggs in Sanskrit.
卵 。生

Sperma collections

Sperma in juvenile (young) state.
孑 。孑

( video, 1920 x1080, 5 min)
Legends say Cintamani spheres are will fulfilling fabulous jewels that came from inside of brains of Makaras- amphibious sea monsters with animal heads and serpent bodies. Cintamanis manifest whatever the beholder wishes for according to one’s desire, may it be love, life, wealth, health, or good fortune. n Mahayana Buddhism two compassionate bodhisattvas were seen holding Cintamanis.
Yet with Cintamanis all mighty manifesting power, phenomenon realities are always as fragile as a soap bubble. To quote Diamond Sutra:
“All purposeful dharma, are like dream, illusion, bubbles, shadows, that can vanish like a drop of morning dew, a flash of a lightning bolt, one should always be mindful.

( video, 1920 x1080, 5 min)
Legends say Cintamani spheres are will fulfilling fabulous jewels that came from inside of brains of Makaras- amphibious sea monsters with animal heads and serpent bodies. Cintamanis manifest whatever the beholder wishes for according to one’s desire, may it be love, life, wealth, health, or good fortune. n Mahayana Buddhism two compassionate bodhisattvas were seen holding Cintamanis.
Yet with Cintamanis all mighty manifesting power, phenomenon realities are always as fragile as a soap bubble. To quote Diamond Sutra:
“All purposeful dharma, are like dream, illusion, bubbles, shadows, that can vanish like a drop of morning dew, a flash of a lightning bolt, one should always be mindful.

The first drop has ended and is sold out!🔥🙏🔥
The first Drop of 70 Sperma - Seeds of life - has been collected by
community nft collectors, families, and friends.
Thanks for the immense support for the continuation of PANSPERMIA.


15 editions of Starseed of the First Meteorite Shower have dropped as a thanks gift to the community, and are collected by the star-struck!
The purpose of feeding the dataset with various attributes to train the neural-network is to explore the possibilities of alien life forms, in hopes to provide an alternative to western biological categorizations structure. This attempt of avoidance for pinning down the specific attributes is a deliberate exercise for us to obtain a more compassionate gaze over all sentient life. Here is a reference from the Shurangama Sutra for those curious minds.
卵 生 。 胎 生 。 濕 生 。 化 生
“Therefore, in the world, there are those born from eggs, those born from wombs, those born from moisture, those born by transformation. These are four categories of birth.
A: Egg 卵 生
There are four conditions necessary for birth from an egg to occur:
1. the condition of a father;
2. the condition of a mother;
3. the condition of individual karma;
4. the condition of warmth.
B: Womb 胎 生
Birth from a womb requires three conditions:
1. the condition of a father;
2. the condition of a mother;
3. the condition of individual karma.
C: Moisture 湿 生
Birth from moisture requires two conditions:
1. the condition of individual karma;
2. the condition of moisture.
D: Transformation 化 生
Birth by transformation needs only one condition — the condition of individual karma. Based on one's karmic consciousness, one transforms as one wishes. One can appear and disappear at will.
There are four conditions necessary for birth from an egg to occur:
1. the condition of a father;
2. the condition of a mother;
3. the condition of individual karma;
4. the condition of warmth.
B: Womb 胎 生
Birth from a womb requires three conditions:
1. the condition of a father;
2. the condition of a mother;
3. the condition of individual karma.
C: Moisture 湿 生
Birth from moisture requires two conditions:
1. the condition of individual karma;
2. the condition of moisture.
D: Transformation 化 生
Birth by transformation needs only one condition — the condition of individual karma. Based on one's karmic consciousness, one transforms as one wishes. One can appear and disappear at will.
The next four categories of living beings are:
1. those with form
2. those without form
3. those with the thought
4. those without thought
5. those not endowed with form — it's not that they have form, and yet it's not that they lack form
6. those not lacking form,
7. those not endowed with thought,
8. those not lacking thought. — it's not that they have thought, and yet it's not that they lack thought.
2. those without form
3. those with the thought
4. those without thought
5. those not endowed with form — it's not that they have form, and yet it's not that they lack form
6. those not lacking form,
7. those not endowed with thought,
8. those not lacking thought. — it's not that they have thought, and yet it's not that they lack thought.
These are the twelve categories of living beings.” - The Shurangama Sutra
有 色 。無 色 。非 有 色 。 非 無 色 。 有 想 。 無 想 。 非 有 想 。 非 無 想
“Ananda, through a continuous process of falseness, the upside-down state of movement occurs in this world. It unites with energy to become eighty-four thousand kinds of random thoughts that either fly or sink. From this, there come into being the egg Kallas (embryo) which multiply throughout the lands in the form of fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles, so that their kinds abound.”
- The Shurangama Sutra
“Ananda, through a continuous process of falseness, the upside-down state of movement occurs in this world. It unites with energy to become eighty-four thousand kinds of random thoughts that either fly or sink. From this, there come into being the egg Kallas (embryo) which multiply throughout the lands in the form of fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles, so that their kinds abound.”
- The Shurangama Sutra